This small glass stash Jar by 420 Science holds up to an eighth ounce of your bud. Winston the Whale, a famous tattoo artist, has collaborated with 420 Science to share his renowned psychedelic, retro, cartoon style illustrations with you while you get lifted. This clear screw top bud jar has a tight closing lid to keep your nugs safe and fresh.
Clear Stash Jar Features:
- Pressed Glass
- Permanent Glass Decals
- Screw-Top Plastic Lid w/ Airtight Seal
- Holds: 1/8 oz (3.5 g) | 2 fl oz (59 ml)
- Height: 2.0 in (5.1 cm)
- Width: 2.0 in (5.1 cm)
- Made in USA
420 Science - Clear Screw Top Jar - 3D Water Pipe (Small)
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